Nicodemon Last year's champion, the Nicodemon is back with a new car, new rules and the same old apettite for distruction! He plans to be the first two time winner of the online arena duels. "I've got a copy of Photoshop and I'm not afraid to use it!"

[Black Car #1]
Tedster This year the Tedster has decided to cut to the chase, activating four clones to man his new car. Welcome aboard Teeed, Teeeed, Teeeeed and Teeeeeed! I see you all have your detonation devices primed and ready. I'll be going now.

[Blue Car #2]
Caedmon Also back this year is Caedmon with his brand new Smoke Ghost! This concept car is equipped with bleeding edge technology that he says is certain to rattle his opponent's teeth. "It's got a killer sound system".

[Purple Car #3]
Click on each player's car for stats. 
Season 2: New cars, new rules, new arena!
Division 15 cars duke it out in the Crosshairs arena using the new Car Wars rules and the old Car Wars scale.
About This Site:  
Almost all the graphics on this site are not my work, but the result of digging up game aids created by other Car Wars fans that I downloaded long ago thinking "Hey, that might come in handy someday". Saddly my bookmark lists from back then are long gone and some sites that I did remember are also now gone. So I can't give proper credit to the people who made these spiffy aids freely available to the world. If I rediscover any of the sites who provided me with these graphics I will post the links here, so that other fans can make good use of them."